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1110 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Resisting Oklahoma's Reign of Terror

Clough, Joshua
Resisting Oklahoma's Reign of Terror
Through the lens of a singular statewide organization, the Society of Oklahoma Indians, Joshua Clough fills the historiographic gap on formal Native resistance between the dissolution of the Society of American Indians in 1923 and the formation of the National Congress of American Indians in 1944.

CHF 94.00

We Are Not Animals

Rizzo-Martinez, Martin
We Are Not Animals
We Are Not Animals traces the history of Indigenous people in the Santa Cruz area through the nineteenth century, examining the influence of Native political, social, and cultural values and these people’s varied survival strategies in response to colonial encounters.

CHF 59.50

Object-Oriented Narratology

Ryan, Marie-Laure / Tang Weisheng
Object-Oriented Narratology
Object-Oriented Narratology explores the representation of objects from a narratological point of view, combining an object-centered approach with specific text studies and arguing for the cultural meanings of objects and their power and influence on the behavior of characters, while acknowledging the independence of their existence from human perception.

CHF 88.00


Fernandez-Galeano, Javier
Maricas traces the erotic lives and legal battles of Argentine and Spanish queer people, who despite state repression and sexual violence, carved out their own spaces in metropolitan and rural cultures between the 1940s and the 1980s.

CHF 140.00

Wardship and the Welfare State

Klann, Mary
Wardship and the Welfare State
Wardship and the Welfare State examines the ideological dimensions and practical intersections of public policy and Native American citizenship, Indian wardship, and social welfare rights after World War II.

CHF 94.00

Art Effects

Fausto, Carlos / Rodgers, David
Art Effects
In Art Effects Brazilian anthropologist Carlos Fausto explores the agency of Indigenous artifacts and images in order to offer a new understanding of the pragmatics and ontology of ritual contexts.

CHF 49.90

Lessons from Fort Apache

Nevins, M. Eleanor
Lessons from Fort Apache
Lessons from Fort Apache is an ethnography of Indigenous language dynamics on the Fort Apache reservation in Arizona that reveals important implications for both North American and global concerns about language endangerment.

CHF 51.50